Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sing Ka Por Lang can only see white?

Phew finally, exams are over and time to work! Okay people, the topic today as you know is about my personal favourite, the typical Sing Ka Por Lang!

People reading this, if you have ever taken an escalator before, do you keep to the left so the people in a hurry can move faster on the right? If you do, good for you. If you dont, what would it take to make you do so? I also don't know what can be done, BUT one thing I know is what should NOT be done, that is to paint the right portion of the escalator yellow. "Why?" you might ask. Let me tell you, Singaporeans are completely colourblind when it comes to seeing yellow...
MRT platform, yellow line, no one stands behind it. Roads, double yellow line, motorists still want to park their car there. Junctions, yellow box, motorists still love to stop inside. Traffic lights, yellow (yellow, amber whatever!), just chiong. Toilet bowl, yellow stuff (erm you know what lah), still don't flush. The list goes on and on... like Celine Dion's heart.

Ah... but there's hope! By changing all these to the colour white, then it would be a completely different situation. "Why?" you might ask. Allow me to explain...

Police car and TP bike, white, everyone guai guai keep within the speed limit. National day, when the "men wearing white" arrive, everyone guai guai stand up, sing Ma-Li-Ki-Ta somemore. And these are the bastards who are just moving their lips during morning assembly! Sudden-lily all very enthu when they see white. Ang Mor, white, get $400,000 to rename Marina Bay to Marina Bay, no one dare to make noise. Ang Mor (again?!), white (again?!?), Sarong Party Girls see, grab only, the "yellow-skin" guys are invisible to them.

So, we should paint the MRT platform lines white, yellow box become white box, double yellow line become double white line, traffic lights should go Green, White, Red.

Heck! We should paint the right half of the escalator white! Brillant! Pay me the $400,000!


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