Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Should you have one?

To all the "self-proclaimed bloggers" out there...

"According to this report, there are an average of 500,000 blog posts every single day, which is about 5 per second. Now, if every blog were putting funny, entertaining, useful, amusing, touching, informative content out into the world, that would be a wonderful thing. But the fact is the overwhelming majority of these posts are just people yammering on about the assorted banalities of their lives, as if the fact that they recently purchased a new lawnmower might be of interest to anyone anywhere.

Even if I was your best friend, your FATHER, I wouldn't care if you got a new lawnmower. Before blogging, did you call your friends and share this kind of boring news with them? If so, you're an idiot and you shouldn't be allowed to have friends."

Look here, i'm not saying that everything i post is funny, entertaining, useful, amusing, touching or informative but please, the fact that i do not refer to you as a "fellow blogger" is because you ain't one! Neither am i for that matter. I'm just a regular dude with with internet access and too much free time on my hands. So for the final time, having a blog does not necessarily make you a blogger, if not every other freaking dick/cunthead in Singapore can qualify as one.

By the way, even if you get a million hits a day on your lame excuse for a blog, that does not make you a blogger. It's because the million hits is most probably from the same lowlife who is staring at the "artistic" photos you took with your cheapskate digital camera. I shall not elaborate on the concurrent activity in which he engages in while viewing your blog.

Let me suggest an alternative for you, instead of further polluting the cyberspace with your "luncheon meat"(Spam lah! Not pork!), go to your friendly neighbour bookstore, invest in a Triple 5 booklet and a good piece of writing equipment and write away my friend. You can even pass yourself off as a writer, now that's much cooler than being a blogger right?

Aww... did i piss you off? I was just joking yah, don't be offended okay? Cos honestly, i really enjoy reading about what you had for lunch, really...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh eh.. i dun talk abt lunch in my blog hoh.. i write rubbish, but not lunch or dinner or breakfast k!

11:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoOoOo HoOoOo receiving award~ woo hoo~ anywya, i cna't make it to school on friday.. wanna help me receive my award? hahah thanks..

3:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah loh~ not happy dun read!

1:57 am  

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