Saturday, November 19, 2005

Theory Man

After weeks of struggling with his finances, a particular Brother of mine finally received his first paycheck and of course being the nice guy, i felt obligated to help him spend some of it.

I met him at his usual hangout for drinks and some singsong. It wasn't a particularly busy night so everything was almost nice and quiet except for the noise coming from a table of "Middle Countryers" (They left after apparently finishing 20 jugs of beer, one of them puked on the floor as evidence). Well, back to my story, at about eleven-ish, this small group (3 guys, 2 gals) of people came in and sat beside our table. One look and i could tell they are the Engerish-Spiaking Yuppies who can blabber on the whole night. There was this one guy, mid-30's, nerdy looking with glasses and thinning hair who kept talking the whole freaking night! Worse, his younger companions were lapping up his "words of wisdom" like he is some messenger of God or what. I call him "Theory Man".
Mentioned below are some of the things that actually came out of his mouth...

"I tell you, i have been in this industry long enough and i have seen all kinds of people..."

"When you have money, the girls will come to you."

"No! Girls should woo the guys..."

"See, we can understand each other!" (Referring to his conversation with an Ang Mor whom he approached to dispense his wisdom)

Fuck you! It's English! Who cannot understand? How can someone actually be so cocksure of himself? I mean there were a lot more claims that came out of his mouth of which i couldn't remember or simply chose not to remember because the whole night seemed like his personal bullshitting session! Give the guy a few more drinks, then maybe he would finally admit that he is an over-the-hill, under-achieving, cock-spouting, ego-tripping nerd. And an ugly one i might add.

Where is your wallet dude? Where are the girls who are supposedly chasing you? Are you really living your life according to your great theories? Anyone ever called your bluff?

Wake up and get a life my facially challenged friend...


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