Saturday, November 19, 2005

Not Again?!

Piangz eh! Bali kena bombed again. The KuKu Cheows really so damn free nothing better to do go and bomb tourist. If these Kan Nin Nao Hia's ever get caught ah, please, here are some recommendations for their suggested punishment...

1. You make? You eat! Make the farker eat the freaking bomb he made. This would make him regret the amount of C4 and rusty nails he put in his creation. Once he's done, dessert is a bullet to the groin.

2. You make? You use! Gather the farker's family, make them sit in a circle and play "Passing Pacel" to the song "Macarena", music stops, BOM! Survivors carry on with the game.

3. Cut off the idiot's dick using a spoon, a tea spoon! Stick it in his mouth, stick a bomb up his arse, detonate remotely using mobile phone. Person dialing? His Mum who thinks she's calling her son.

Why you all so free to go and bomb people? Be like me lah, work 6 days a week, get drunk half the time, got time blog blog abit, go karaoke sing song abit, enjoy lah!


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