Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lift Rage

- Lift
1. to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist.
2. a contraption which the Singapore Gahmen is trying to make stop on every floor of all HDB flats.

- Rage
1. ardor, fervor, enthusiasm;
2. a violent act caused by anger.

If there was to be someone who is going to be the first peron convicted of "lift rage", it would most definitely be me. Not that i'm trying to act call civilized or anything but please, use your blain use your blain!

The following are some examples of what i mean,

1. Retards who stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the lift door waiting for it to open so that he/she/it can be the first one in. I mean what the fuck is your problem? Don't tell me you really really want to get to work as soon as you possibly can because that's a load of bullshit. Best is when an entire group of them does it, i usually just stand back and admire how the poor bastards who are trying to get out of the lift worm their way pass the mass blob of stupidity.

2. Idiots who cannot decide whether they want to take the lift, or MUST take the lift with their friends from God-knows-where on Earth. Hey Shithead, it's a lift! Not some teleporting machine! I'm pretty sure your friend(s) can survive without seeing you for 2 minutes. And don't you fucking morons stand at the door and access how many of your species you can squeeze into one inch of space while holding everyone else up. LET GO OF THE FUCKING BUTTON! AND WAIT FOR THE DOOR TO CLOSE BEFORE PRESSING IT AGAIN!

3. Blind donkeys who can ask their friends in the loudest voice possible, "Who press [insert floor]" Hey Fuckface! The fact that you are getting off on a lower floor does not mean that the rest of the world isn't entitled to their right to access other floors! What if you work on the 2nd floor of a hundred storey building? Are you going to go, "Eh, who press 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... 100?" No right? And by the way if you hadn't noticed Mr. Dimwit, I AM THE ONE WHO PRESSED [insert floor]!

4. Motherfuc-, oops, can't call them motherfuckers cos i don't think they were born into this world. Freak-O's who get to the ground level, fuck out of the lift to crawl back to whatever hole they came from, and freaking press the floors of which his/hers/its friends are still at?! What kind of freakshow theory is that? Please, someone explain to me, why do they have to do this? The lift will still stop at those floors because the Goons outside the lift have their fingers surgically fused to the lift buttons, so why the extra work? If you like pressing the lift buttons so much, go be a lift attendant! Oh, i'm sorry, you dont have the minimum required IQ of 1.0 for the job.

Damn i'm an angry bastard, so, which floor?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! only your blog can make me enjoy reading & laugh loudly at e monitor! oh, what is e matters menz; urs is e most down to earth posts!

10:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the NYP lift scenes.. Hahaha

11:33 pm  
Blogger -ruiiee- said...

luckily i dun use the lift very often yah? ha~~~~~~~ Cheer up..

10:22 pm  

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