Friday, January 06, 2006

Don't Lie...

The Black Eyed Peas song keeps playing back and forth in my head...
Gorgeous Fergie goes... "No, no, no, no! Baby no, no, no, no! Don't lie..."

A friend of mine recently admitted that he has been blatantly lying to his girlfriend about his whereabouts because he feels she's a tad too "sticky". By my own judgment, i feel the girl is taking the term "being together" to never-before-seen levels and i pity my poor friend for his apparent suffering. Then again maybe not.

I totally disagree with the practice of "meeting for the sake of meeting" and i feel that people who do that are abso-freaking-lute morons but hey, haven't we all been through that phase in our life before? You know, when you are so head-over-heels in love with someone that all you ever wanted to do was to spend time with them, regardless of what you do when you are together. I mean i'm talking about teens here yah.

Okay, back to the topic, i can understand if people lie about their location or who they are with because they want to hide from their over-zealous partners but please don't drag your friends into this little white lie of yours. Here's an example...

Over-zealous partner: "Hello. Where you? Wana meet?" (Poor English Inherent From Source)

White Liar: "Erm.. i'm at Insert Location with Insert Buddy's Name"

Over-zealous partner: "Huh, i thought you end at nine?"

White Liar: "Oh, Insert Buddy's Name got some problems, needs companion."

Over-zealous partner: "I go there meet you?"

White Liar: "Better not..."

Over-zealous partner: "Really ah? Orh..."

Over-zealous finally hangs up after confirming for the 18th time that it was REALLY not convenient for them to meet. White Liar heaves a heavy sigh of relief, and proceeds to watch a movie with Buddy. Mind you, this is not an affair, White Liar and Buddy same gender, White Liar is definitely not gay, thou i can't confirm Buddy's sexual preference.

Next day, a guilt stricken White Liar tells everyone that he has been lying to Over-zealous, and not for the first time. Everyone condemns White Liar and says that he's going to hell, everyone except me of course. Being the mature guy that i am, i didn't condemn him straight away, instead i fucked him upside down for dragging his Buddy into the picture.

"You want to die go die alone lah! If this continues, Over-zealous will end up hating all your friends. Today you lie about being with Buddy, tomorrow it will be Brudder, day after is Ah-Bang, until you finally use up all your friends' names and you are forced to recycle! What will Over-zealous think of your friends then?"

Make sense? Oh God i'm one self-righteous dude...


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