Remember the old Chinese drama serial or movies. Especially the ones with a police or doctor theme? Well if you belong to MY generation (late late 70's), you would know what i'm talking about.
Now the problem with those shows back then was that they would always have this ultra-stereotypical scenario that goes like this...
Male lead is either a policeman or doctor.
If male lead is a policeman, he will be the renegade kind, beating up Ah Bengs for no apparent reason. Smokes heavily. Drinks beer from red unlabelled cans. Drives a Japanese car.
If male lead is a doctor, he would be the leading expert in his field, and ALWAYS considered to be the next head of the hospital. Social smoker. Drinks wine. Drives a European car.
Note: If there are 2 male leads, they must be brothers, the elder one who never study is the policeman while the younger brother who got lucky is the doctor. They have a strained relationship.
Female lead is usually the male lead's wife.
Female lead is confirm Kan-Pua-Si-Lang Chio. Usually a civil servant.
Male lead's Mother is the most naggy woman on the planet but yet surprisingly, her relationship with her daughter-in-law is a tad too healthy.
Both women love children.
Female lead gets pregnant.
Due to some extremely forseen circumstance, usually an accident, the pregnancy will be made complicated.
At this point in time, the situation will require the male lead to choose between his wife and his baby.
The super Chio wife who still wears light makeup while lying in the hospital bed, wants to sacrifice herself for her baby.
The male lead will for some inexplicable reason, respect her wishes, and end up with a baby and a dead wife.
Okay, snap back to reality here people. Is there even a hint of doubt in the first place? Touch wood but if this kind of thing were to happen to me, my reaction would be...
"I'm sorry Mr. Yapster, we can't save both of them, you have to decide between your wife or the baby."
"It's okay Doc, save my wife, and after you are done, please go fuck yourself!"
"Which part of Go-Fuck-Yourself you dont understand? Idiot."